Friday 20 December 2019

What TYPE of game is this?
⇨This type of game is a survival game, which features a weird scorpion desert monster called the seeker who comes after you if you make too much noise. you're main goal is to scavenge deserted towns for supplies and try to not get killed or die for natural causes.

What did you do yesterday to win the game?
⇨how to play and whats the main goal.

 ⇨screenshots ⇩

Tuesday 17 December 2019

                                           ⇨ ALGODOO⇦                            

                                                                                                                                     HARVIR KAUR

                                                 BRIDGE IT


Monday, December 9, 2019

Game Journalism Day 3 - the difference

wobble heads?

What did you do today ?
i play game and  build airship.

What did you learn?
-i learn how to craft airship.i think i did very well.

What will you do next day?

-i want to build more airship .